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I just had my adenoids/tonsils removed..


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I just had my adenoids and tonsils removed yesterday, my first surgery. The I.V. HURT! I can't swallow or talk, and I'll be home the next 12 days, so I'll be on a lot.

Best of luck to you Tigers94 and I hope you get better soon.

The I.V. HURT!

Hell yeah, I had to have IV's last week. :headache:

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Hey Tigers, I'm trying to get my tonsils out too, but my insurance considers it cosmetic surgery. Did it really hurt?


It didn't hurt that much,(the IV needle she stuck in there for like a minute) but the first day I was nausuas(sp) and now my throat is just really sore.

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I've had few surgeries, including wisdom teeth (and mine didn't hurt that much, thank god, just numb and limit movement) Also had surgery to put pacemaker in, then 2nd surgery to replace the pacemaker last year. Gonna have antoher one in 5-8 years..yay, so exciting..blah! Ya i'm only 52...err i mean 25, stupid heart condition *sigh*

The IV..i didn't really feel it that much, but i still hate it..i hate needles! Won't even take blood test unless it's REALLY necessary. I'm such a baby :binkybaby:

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