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James Cameron to unveil Jesus Christ's Coffin live Monday.


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You are either deluded, as most believers are, or you have not read that book in it's entirety, as most believers haven't, and just rely on what the priests, ministers, and pastors have fed you out of context. Watch the following video, in it's entirety, look up the passages to confirm that it's truly what your book says, and then get back to me saying that it is the only thing to go by.


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You are either deluded, as most believers are, or you have not read that book in it's entirety, as most believers haven't, and just rely on what the priests, ministers, and pastors have fed you out of context. Watch the following video, in it's entirety, look up the passages to confirm that it's truly what your book says, and then get back to me saying that it is the only thing to go by.


The person you talk down to by calling him/her deluded shows yet again you have nothing but venom to spit out. This time, you spared some of it. You have a great heart for being a horrible person on the inside and if that is living the way you believe brings ya, I'm not buying it. Your argument is flawed. You tell the "deluded" person (by the way, it is delusional) that they are either A as most are or B as most are. What about C, none of the above as some are? You left room for the rare believers who have read it to its entirety and don't rely on someone to read a scripture out of context. You show a video to compliment your argument, of which takes the Jewish law out of context as well. And I'm not even Jewish. I could respond to your video montage there, of which I'm sure you did not create, but I know it would serve no purpose. Why? I think you, as most people have, already have made up your mind to believe a certain way, and disparaging remarks you make to the previous poster are a bit uncalled for. ESPECIALLY when your nice little video intimates that anyone, Jewish or Christian, that believes in that book, the bible, is like a Nazi that killed jews and dumps their bodies in mass graves. You have no heart. You have no kindness. You lack the ability to love, I've determined, judging by disgusting posts to me in the other thread and your nasty grams you sent me via PM some time ago, even though I tried to repay you with kindness inspite of your disgusting, child like attitude. You enjoy being better than others. Calling me a boy. Listen, I'm old enough to have fathered you, I'm sure. Of which, the thought sickens me. And I'm not sorry for saying that. You need to be brought down to more humbleness and start getting off of that high horse before someday someone comes by and knocks you off. Boy.

Next time you try to corner another member here, like the previous poster, look at your argument first.

Go back to what I said to you a long time ago: Stop trying to tear people down and start offering something to this community other than vile and venom.

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The person you talk down to by calling him/her deluded shows yet again you have nothing but venom to spit out. This time, you spared some of it. You have a great heart for being a horrible person on the inside and if that is living the way you believe brings ya, I'm not buying it. You argument is flawed. You tell the "deluded" person (by the way, it is delusional) that they are either A as most are or B as most are. What about C, none of the above as some are? You left room for the rare believers who have read it to its entirety and don't rely on someone to read a scripture out of context. You show a video to compliment your argument, of which takes the Jewish law out of context as well. And I'm not even Jewish. I could respond to your video montage there, of which I'm sure you did not create, but I know it would serve no purpose. Why? I think you, as most people have, already have made up your mind to believe a certain way, and disparaging remarks you make to the previous poster are a bit uncalled for. ESPECIALLY when your nice little video intimates that anyone, Jewish or Christian, that believes in that book, the bible, is like a Nazi that killed jews and dumps their bodies in mass graves. You have no heart. You have no kindness. You lack the ability to love, I've determined, judging by disgusting posts to me in the other thread and your nasty grams you sent me via PM some time ago, even though I tried to repay you with kindness inspite of your disgusting, child like attitude. You enjoy being better than others. Calling me a boy. Listen, I'm old enough to have fathered you, I'm sure. Of which, the thought sickens me. And I'm not sorry for saying that. You need to be brought down to more humbleness and start getting off of that high horse before someday someone comes by and knocks you off. Boy.

Next time you try to corner another member here, like the previous poster, look at your argument first.

Go back to what I said to you a long time ago: Stop trying to tear people down and start offering something to this community other than vile and venom.

Amen Brother! Preach it!

on a side note, I'm not going to try and convince anyone of anything. I believe what I believe. To each there own. I know for a FACT that God is real, that Jesus is real, that my religion is real. If you have ever been to a church service, where you can literally feel God's presence around you then you know where I'm coming from. I have faith that my religion is real, but I also know it for a FACT. If you have never felt God's presence around you, then I feel sorry for you, and pray that one day you may.

People that just bash religion seem to not be willing for the most part to even try and accept it. Becoming a Christian is one of the most liberating things I have ever experienced in my life. It's undescribable how it feels, all you can say is that it's literally like being born for the first time. You see things differently, you see the whole world in a differnt light. People may try and disprove what I believe, but it will never happen. I know God is real, and nothing ANYONE says will EVER be able to change that. No matter how many anti-Religion websites spring up. No matter how many "coffins of Jesus" come about, and no matter how many "DaVinci Codes" are written.

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Nice post UncleMo.

I believe that most people have closed their minds to change. They refuse to believe anything else other than what they already believe. I try to be open minded, I have thought about every religion, examining them, trying to find the right one. I believe I have found the right one, but thats just my beliefs. I doesn't bother me that there are Muslims and Jews and others that believe different than I do. I will hand people Bible tracks, but I wont force them to read it. I read materials that people hand me. I think everyone should be a little more open minded.

To Edam: Is that video a joke? I can come up with a more convincing argument against the Bible, and I believe it.

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I watched some of the video Edam referred us to. I can understand his zeal to discredit God and Jesus, but I think it would be a more convincing argument if the video presented some relevant facts and didn't try to do what most Atheists attempt; using out-of-context Law from the Old Testament.

Here's a simple rule of thumb: Jesus died for us, and FULFILLED to requirements of the Law (the rules and regulations for atonement handed to Mosese from God - not JUST the 10 commandments).

what I'm saying here, is if you are going to try to "prove" that God doesn't exist, you'll probably need to tackle relevant issues with believers.

What I would suggest for potential "God Disprovers" is that they read, study and meditate on the Word of God, IN THE NEW TESTAMENT. Don't just give it a cursory once-over, and start guessing at stuff like normal. READ it,,,,,ingest it, meditate, think. Read it. Don't even look at the Old Testament,,,stay in the New Testament. That's if you want ANY credibility with believers.

Read 1 Corinthians, Chapter 13 three or four times. It's a doozy.

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What I would suggest for potential "God Disprovers" is that they read, study and meditate on the Word of God, IN THE NEW TESTAMENT. Don't just give it a cursory once-over, and start guessing at stuff like normal. READ it,,,,,ingest it, meditate, think. Read it. Don't even look at the Old Testament,,,stay in the New Testament. That's if you want ANY credibility with believers.

But what if we're arguing with the Shmooz?

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You know what cracks me up about this thread, is not everyone's belief in God, because I do too, but every time someone brings up "Scientific Fact"...most people in the thread say "No, No Science is wrong...the Bible is fact"...but they have no proof on these claims, other then a book....

You cannot disprove science anymore then the Bible. You cannot prove the Bible is fact...other then saying "read it, read it...it is all true". Just like we cannot prove science is fact, because we are not the ones doing the "research, experiments, etc..." It is all based on faith, and belief.

Faith is the strongest part of religion, not fact. A book does not prove anything, it just gives the basis for "faith". You cannot say that everything happened in the Bible is fact...all you can say is have faith and believe.

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Then why not change all of Christianity so we can be in with the crowd? Oh yeah, thats right, because it's wrong. We shouldn't have to change our religious beliefs so we fit in, if anything, it should be the other way around.

But interpreting the Bible to fit your religious beliefs is wrong also. That's what a lot of people and religions do.

If science isn't fact, then perhaps you should not use your computer anymore. That was science and technology that made it...not the Bible. Science isn't evil, and before you jump on me, I know you haven't said that, but I firmly believe that it was a combination of God and evolution that made us what we are today.

I truly hope there is a God, and I hope there is a heaven when I die. I do not believe I need to be a Born Again Christian to get into Heaven, as I am a Catholic and happy to be one.

I do believe in Science, as you cannot disregard the proof that is laid out in front of us on an almost daily basis. I do believe in the Bible, BUT I also know that Jonah was probably not swallowed by a whale.

A lot of the stuff written in the bible is more then plausible, I don't dispute that. What I do have a problem with, is I do not believe everything is meant to be taken literally. I feel that it is meant as a "path" to live your life on. There is more then enough room in this world for both religion and science.

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A fact is something that dosnt change. Computers will always change. Things we cannot understand in the Bible dosn't mean that they are false. I dont understand all the laws of physics, but does that mean that I cant judge a fly ball? I'm not saying that all science is false, but the things that conflict with my religious beliefs I dont agree on, like evolution.

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The person you talk down to by calling him/her deluded shows yet again you have nothing but venom to spit out. This time, you spared some of it.

MUCH vitriol, ranting, illogic, and the pot calling the kettle black deleted.

Once again you come back at me 10 times worse than my initial post. Thou hypocrite.

It's a shame that the Ignore List works so sporadically. I'll try it again though. You may now continue with your neurotic rantings, with any luck I won't see them.

Oh, and "Perfessor?"...

There's a very important distinction between genuine mental illnesses which

have, as a symptom or "feature" the aspect of "delusion", and the very

similar-seeming yet very different quality of "being deluded".

If a person has a mental illness in which auditory, visual, or

"experiential" hallucinations cause them to have a set of beliefs and to act

on those beliefs, that is "delusional"; they are living a lie due to their

own pathology or diseased state of mind.

On the other hand, if people are consistently lied-to, and are lied-to

consistently -- in other words, completely propagandized -- they "have been deluded".

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To Edam: Is that video a joke? I can come up with a more convincing argument against the Bible, and I believe it.

Be my guest. I'm guessing that only those with closed minds and who refuse to accept any other thoughts or ideas would think that it's a joke, yes. It's your way or no way, right?

Waiting for your convincing arguments. I'm guessing that they won't be forthcoming.

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Don't even look at the Old Testament,,,stay in the New Testament. That's if you want ANY credibility with believers.

"Believers" who want to ignore parts of that book because there is nasty stuff in it have no credibility as far as I am concerned. Non-believers are accused of picking and choosing certain passages out of context, but the believers are the worst offenders of such a thing.

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You know what cracks me up about this thread, is not everyone's belief in God, because I do too, but every time someone brings up "Scientific Fact"...most people in the thread say "No, No Science is wrong...the Bible is fact"...but they have no proof on these claims, other then a book....

You cannot disprove science anymore then the Bible. You cannot prove the Bible is fact...other then saying "read it, read it...it is all true". Just like we cannot prove science is fact, because we are not the ones doing the "research, experiments, etc..." It is all based on faith, and belief.

Faith is the strongest part of religion, not fact. A book does not prove anything, it just gives the basis for "faith". You cannot say that everything happened in the Bible is fact...all you can say is have faith and believe.

A voice of reason, although I would say that we can prove more with science than we can with the supernatural.

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Sigh. Whatever. You just want to find wrong in me. I'll always admit I'm not perfect, but you are a work of art. Someone needs to keep you in check after those nasty gram PM's you sent me. If I had saved them I'd post them here for all to read, that way they can see you for what you are. I see you have yet to address your endorsement of the video that intimates that Jews, Christians, Catholics, and anyone that believes in the bible is likened to a Nazi Jew killer. After two run ins with ya, you still have yet to take me up on the challenge to be a better person going forward, contribute to the community, etc.

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So I have a question, and I am not trying to be a dink, but if you do not believe in evolution, where does cavemen fit into history for you?


Medric you can not take the Bible word for word. If you knew anything about the Bible you would no there are two sense of it, SPIRITUAL AND LITERAL.

THAT MEANS EVERYTHING IN THE BIBLE ISNT TRUE. The basis of the Bible is, spreading the good work, the golden commandment, Jesus and so on, but not everything in there is true.

My religion teacher even told me it wasn't all true.

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So I have a question, and I am not trying to be a dink, but if you do not believe in evolution, where does cavemen fit into history for you?

Somewhere between mythical and impossible. I dont see any cavemen around today, and whats to say that a couple skeletons they dug up weren't of deformed people?

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Medric you can not take the Bible word for word. If you knew anything about the Bible you would no there are two sense of it, SPIRITUAL AND LITERAL.

THAT MEANS EVERYTHING IN THE BIBLE ISNT TRUE. The basis of the Bible is, spreading the good work, the golden commandment, Jesus and so on, but not everything in there is true.

My religion teacher even told me it wasn't all true.

NYM, weren't you banned for a while for being a pain in the ***? The only proff that you have that not everything in the Bible is true, is a couple skeletons, and what a group of athiest say.

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