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James Cameron to unveil Jesus Christ's Coffin live Monday.


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Damn, that means the exclusive license woulda been up by now ;)

Unfortunatly no. The date changes, not history itself. The license just woul dhave been more years into the future.

Anyone believe the Book of Revalation? That is my favorite book in the Bible.

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Let me stop this argument before it blows up. I respect anyone's religion...anyones. Everyone has a right to wroship in their own way. What I don't like, and I have said it before, is people trying to tell me that they are part of the "one and only"...no one knows that for sure, and no one will until they are dead and gone.

If Medric wants to believe that there were know Cavemen, and dinosaurs are put together wrong, then that's fine. I just don't like the way he states things like he is RIGHT, and we are all just a bunch of crazies.

DJ, You know I've done everything I can to keep this thread civil. However, I can only be responsible for my own posts. So please, don't take the following as an attack. I hope you know that I'm not attacking you, merely stating my opinion.

Christians, like many other religions, I suspect, DO believe that their way is the only way to Heaven. It's really that simple. Are they right? I believe they are, BUT, I will not tell you that they are. It's up to you do decide!

I think we CAN know for sure, but again, I can't MAKE you believe that. I'm only accountable for myself and my actions. I hope you've noticed that throughout this whole thread, I've tried very hard to present Christianity as the act of Jesus's Love, not hate. Not bigotry. Not Naziism (How did that get started??????).

So, if someone says we cannot know for sure until we die, then those of us who truly believe are going to see that person as uninformed. Hopefully, we will remember our Christly directives, and approach that person's opinion, and FREEWILL to believe what they want to believe, with grace!

Medric, I love your zeal, and I know you mean well. But sir, please take a step back, THINK about what you are about to type, and decide if that REALLY will address the issue in a positive manner OR inflame the situation more. Do you like it when people hammer you for your beliefs? Apply that to some of the things you've said here. It's EXACTLY the same thing. It's this type of histionics that reflect badly upon all Christians.

Sorry to preach.

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I think I found a solution to NYM. I'll just ignore the little weasel.

I don't know NYM personally, so I don't know if he's little, medium, or large as a person. However, I can virtually guarantee he's not a weasel. I don't think weasels can type. Or read, for that matter.

So, since we don't know his size for sure, and we know he's not an ACTUAL weasel, I think you were probably just using name-calling when you called him a "little weasel."

Now, this may not be a terrible insult in the grand scheme of things, but...


I wish I could set loose an entire HERD of "little weasels" to chew on your ankles!


Now. <ahem>. With that out of the way - can we just knock off all the name calling and weasel attacking and just stay on topic?

Pretty please. That way it will at least look like I'm accomplishing something in my fancy "moderator" role.

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Okay, seriously, that is enough. NYM, Medric - I don't know who started this little side-match of Verbal Girly Slap Fighting - but it needs to be over.

Almost 24 hours later, NYM comes back, reads the latest posts, and gets annoyed all over again.

Medric - just stop riling up NYM. You know he's like a hyper puppy!

NYM - stop poking Medric with a stick. You know he's fragile!

DJEagles - stop being so damn sexy. I can't take it anymore! You're worse than the Half Naked Hoffman!

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Even if you live a good clean life, that does not assure that your going to heaven.

I am not sure about what you mean by a "good clean life", but if you mean obedience to G-D's law, then in fact I would disagree since that is what G-D said. This is how a person earns his afterlife. G-D says regarding His law "Because this (keeping the law) is your life & the length of your days". If you believe the Bible then you you can't deny this fact.

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Now, the question is , who is the way to paradise or heaven. If Jesus is the only true forgiveness of sins-and we all need forgiveness because all of us has fallen short of God's standards, then we must seek his forgiveness. If you believe him to just be one of the many ways to heaven-you had better be 100% sure-I can be wrong about believing only in Jesus-because I will get there anyway according to your idea. But if you are wrong and don't seek only Jesus and his forgiveness then there is a heavy price of eternal separation from God and anything good. Think of the worst possible human suffering and Hell is many times worse. jesus talked about Hell twice as much as he did Heaven-we was warning people about it's horrors-Please don't miss his salvation-ask Jesus for his forgiveness for your sins-while there is still time.

I am going to advance an alternative view that you may not have thought of.

You claim that if the end proves that you are wrong, according to my belief you will get to heaven anyway. What if I tell you that that is in fact not my belief. What if I tell you that my belief is that if you worship jesus as a god, this is in fact idolatry & a sin. So if I am right & you are wrong, maybe you will not be spending your afterlife in Paradise. I am not saying that you will or will not go to hell. I am simply saying that your assumption that "I believe" you will get to heaven regardless of if you are right or wrong is not necessarily a correct assumption.

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You are either deluded, as most believers are, or you have not read that book in it's entirety, as most believers haven't, and just rely on what the priests, ministers, and pastors have fed you out of context. Watch the following video, in it's entirety, look up the passages to confirm that it's truly what your book says, and then get back to me saying that it is the only thing to go by.


I listened to the video & it is actually incorrect in it's descriptions. First of all, the Sabbath law is for Israel only. (which he conveniently neglects to mention) Most Americans are not Jewish. Hence most American violaters of the Sabbath contrary to this guy's assertion are not to be put to death. I am a Jew though. & yes, I do accept that if there was a proper court of Jewish law according to Biblical description & according to Biblical judicial rules the criteria are fulfilled, a Jewish person that violates the Sabbath in the Biblical rules of what is considered a deathly sin, indeed must be put to death.

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But interpreting the Bible to fit your religious beliefs is wrong also. That's what a lot of people and religions do.

If science isn't fact, then perhaps you should not use your computer anymore. That was science and technology that made it...not the Bible. Science isn't evil, and before you jump on me, I know you haven't said that, but I firmly believe that it was a combination of God and evolution that made us what we are today.

I truly hope there is a God, and I hope there is a heaven when I die. I do not believe I need to be a Born Again Christian to get into Heaven, as I am a Catholic and happy to be one.

I do believe in Science, as you cannot disregard the proof that is laid out in front of us on an almost daily basis. I do believe in the Bible, BUT I also know that Jonah was probably not swallowed by a whale.

A lot of the stuff written in the bible is more then plausible, I don't dispute that. What I do have a problem with, is I do not believe everything is meant to be taken literally. I feel that it is meant as a "path" to live your life on. There is more then enough room in this world for both religion and science.

I would like to address what you brought up from a Jewish point of view.

I do not see science as anti G-D. But one must admit that science is privy to human error. Those of us who believe the Bible to be truth have on their side the concept that it is above human error.

Personally I believe science to be true. It too is a creation of G-D. But there is true science & false scientists. Notice I said "scientists". The facts are facts. But fallacy lies in the understanding of those facts.

Now one can say the same thing about the study of the Bible. & indeed I agree. Since if this was not so, then all religions that believe the Bible (when I use the term "Bible" here, I am referring to what Christians would term the "old test") would in fact agree with each other. However as we all know, this is not the case.

Here is where I will add my own prejudice to the post. I as a Jew will claim that my people's understanding of the Bible is superior to others not because I am necessarily better than other people, but rather because it was to my people that G-D gave the Bible. (anybody who believes the Bible to be true has to admit this is a fact since the Bible itself says this) If one person studies a text they have insight into it, but it is limited by their own failings. But if somebody is TOLD the Bible by G-D, there is no such failing. I know this is not a perfect argument & indeed I could get alot deeper about this, but I feel that for now I think it kinda get's the point accross that I was looking to make.

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Okay, seriously, that is enough. NYM, Medric - I don't know who started this little side-match of Verbal Girly Slap Fighting - but it needs to be over.

Almost 24 hours later, NYM comes back, reads the latest posts, and gets annoyed all over again.

Medric - just stop riling up NYM. You know he's like a hyper puppy!

NYM - stop poking Medric with a stick. You know he's fragile!

DJEagles - stop being so damn sexy. I can't take it anymore! You're worse than the Half Naked Hoffman!

Why do I feel all tingly all of a sudden?

I feel so dirty...

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Ok, thats too far...

On another note:

Actually the book of Yashar is the Bible itself. The book of the wars is hidden today. We have no copies of it.

Dont know if you mistyped, but Jasher is a book that was found with the Dead Sea Scrolls if I am correct. It is an actual book, which you can probably buy at amazon.com, or possibly Boarders if your lucky.

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What? I dont think you understand. What I'm talking about is how there may be a book or 2 that should be in the Bible, but aren't. Wether because the Vatican didn't want them in there, or if they weren't dictated right, and God excluded them from the Bible.

Now, Yasher, I dont know what that is. I also dont know what your trying to get at either.

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What he's trying to get at is that the book of Jasher and the book of Yasher are the same damned thing. Stop and read his post for a minute. Actually read it. Let what he's saying sink in.

Know how when you sing "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desire," you pronounce it "Yesu" instead of "Jay-Su"? Same thing. The J has a Y sound. Thus the Jasher being the same as the phonetic spelling Yasher.

So stop pretending other people are crazy for spelling it Jasher. They're not! We didn't have common spellings for everything until dictionaries started popping up. And that was in the 18th C.

Here is where I will add my own prejudice to the post. I as a Jew will claim that my people's understanding of the Bible is superior to others not because I am necessarily better than other people, but rather because it was to my people that G-D gave the Bible.

Pssh. Small fish. Know what he gave the Christians? His son. And then he had him murdered.

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But he was refering to Big shmooz, who said that Yasher is the Bible, which cant be correct if it is also the book of Jasher at the same time. For all I know, Yasher may be another name for the Bible, but Jasher is a book that seems like it belongs in the Old testament, like any book in the OT thats in there now. Stop reading my post, and Actualy read it, and you'll see what I'm getting at.

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I listened to the video & it is actually incorrect in it's descriptions. First of all, the Sabbath law is for Israel only.

There can be confusion because the Catholics, and some Christians, refer to their Sunday (rather than Saturday) as the Sabbath, (or The Lord's Day,) and also preach the 10 commandments and to "remember the Sabbath day."

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But he was refering to Big shmooz, who said that Yasher is the Bible, which cant be correct if it is also the book of Jasher at the same time. For all I know, Yasher may be another name for the Bible, but Jasher is a book that seems like it belongs in the Old testament, like any book in the OT thats in there now. Stop reading my post, and Actualy read it, and you'll see what I'm getting at.

You cannot be as thick-headed as you seem to be. Everyone else knew what BigSchmooz was talking about, yet you claim to be oblivious to it...

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