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MLB 2K 2019 1.0


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Ready updated minnesota team, I want to highlight that I'm only going to update the normal house uniforms, visitors and their alternatives of practice and special events of old years not because I would take more time and your stadium is also ready. I want to highlight and give credit to my friend Humachine who is the creator of most of the uniforms that I am retouching but I am using your template some uniforms are already ready and I take them from their package I have only retouched one thing or another since the uniforms They have changed a time here.




Listo equipo de minnesota actualizado, quiero resaltar que solo voy actualizar los uniformes normales casa, visitantes y sus alternativos los de practica y eventos especiales de años viejos no porque me tardaria mas ha y su estadio tambien esta listo. quiero resaltar y darle credito a mi amigo humachine que es el creador de la mayoria de los uniformes que estoy retocando mas estoy usando su plantilla algunos uniformes ya estan listos y los tome de su paquete solo les he retocado una que otra cosa ya que los uniformes han cambiado de un tiempo para aca.

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Angels of Los Angeles Updated and Stadium also only the logo of 2k mlb 2019 and the logos of conference and world series that place them a generic one while the MLB takes out the ones of this year the other propagandies continue equal to all the stadiums.


Angels de los Angeles Actualizado y Estadio tambien solo los logo de 2k mlb 2019 y los logos de conferencia y serie mundial que les coloque uno generico mientras la MLB saca los de este año las demas propagandas siguen igual a todos los estadio.

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hahahaha but you were excellent my brother warn me when they are ready to incorporate them into the game

and the stadium is also yours, it looks great I like to put it in the game, and it does not have the dolphin images anymore....

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1 hour ago, guaro1379 said:

ok, what good in what you finish you tell me at least I do not have to update miami because the stadium is already updated and remember to put the logo on the sleeve of the 150 years of MLB

No worries my friend, that's been taken care of :)

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Of course, everyone who wants to collaborate is welcome to let me know which faces you have the downloads and I charge them in the game and put you in the credits


Claro aqui todo el que quiera colaborar es bienvenido avisame cuales faces tienes las montas en descargas y yo las decargo las monto en el juego y te coloco en los creditos

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Toronto Update


I took the audacity to copy the work of the user MarkusBroede to whom I attribute the credit because of his work I copied the model of socks using my own style, I hope you like it


Me tome el atrevimiento de copiar el trabajo del usuario MarkusBroede a quien le atribuyo el credito porque de su trabajo me copie el modelo de calcetines usando mi propio estilo, espero les agrade 

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First of all I want to give the credit to the user MarkusBroede for excellent work with the stadium in Toronto and only what he modified was the MLB logo 2K 2019, the rest is only and only the work of MarkusBroede


I want to emphasize that I can edit the stadium from scratch but that takes a lot of time then I take what is more updated to incorporate it into the game and so I cut the clear editing time I have written down everything I take from this page first to ask for permission and also to write down the user in the credits




Primero que todo quiero dar el credito al usuario MarkusBroede por exelente trabajo con el estadio de toronto y solo lo que modifique fue el logo de MLB 2K 2019 lo demas es solo y unicamente el trabajo de MarkusBroede    


quiero destacar que yo puedo editar los estadio desde cero pero eso toma mucho tiempo entonces tomo lo que esta mas actualizado para incorporarlo al juego y asi corto el tiempo de edicion claro yo tengo anotado todo lo que tomo de esta pagina primero para pedir el debido permiso y tambien para anotar al usuario en los creditos 


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