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MLB 2K 2019 1.0


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friend when I said that I was guided by mlb is because I see the videos and look for their uniforms before making them and the link that leaves you is from another page that is guided by mlb to inform the game date of your opponent and the uniform that he will wear, Excuse me if I do not express myself well, and annexing other uniforms to the roster if you can of course but I think that those of San Luis are enough just change the uniform selector and choose if you want the blue or red cap and that's not how Milwakees I made 10 uniforms because the roster is predetermined with 10 and they do have more uniforms than St. Louis. I would like to please everyone my friend but I have to finish this quickly, maybe later I will update everything much better ..... greetings and thanks for your opinion ...

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18 hours ago, Kccitystar said:


I think MLB leaves it up to the discretion of the teams how they wish to set their uniforms on the field, however they do need a standard home and road uniform configuration. I get how it can confuse anyone that wants to do uniforms "by the letter".

Yeah, which makes me want to do the full accurate uniforms based on most used and release them on here. Between having a full-time job and a 5 month old baby at home, I have lately been only finding free time at work to do this occasionally. 

1 hour ago, guaro1379 said:

friend when I said that I was guided by mlb is because I see the videos and look for their uniforms before making them and the link that leaves you is from another page that is guided by mlb to inform the game date of your opponent and the uniform that he will wear, Excuse me if I do not express myself well, and annexing other uniforms to the roster if you can of course but I think that those of San Luis are enough just change the uniform selector and choose if you want the blue or red cap and that's not how Milwakees I made 10 uniforms because the roster is predetermined with 10 and they do have more uniforms than St. Louis. I would like to please everyone my friend but I have to finish this quickly, maybe later I will update everything much better ..... greetings and thanks for your opinion ...

Maybe, Once you release it all, I'll see about offering alternatives to fill in the gaps or for people who want to have the most accurate ones (for the sim gamers; since you usually have two crowds of sports gamers, the casual crowd and sim crowd, the latter of which wants everything to be as accurate as can be presented, which I think I can assist with satisfying them.)

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1 hour ago, xflamexofxhopex said:

Yeah, which makes me want to do the full accurate uniforms based on most used and release them on here. Between having a full-time job and a 5 month old baby at home, I have lately been only finding free time at work to do this occasionally. 

Maybe, Once you release it all, I'll see about offering alternatives to fill in the gaps or for people who want to have the most accurate ones (for the sim gamers; since you usually have two crowds of sports gamers, the casual crowd and sim crowd, the latter of which wants everything to be as accurate as can be presented, which I think I can assist with satisfying them.)

thanks, of course any help is welcome

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12 hours ago, guaro1379 said:

the last uniform the military model I have to correct it is not that way I missed that error

the classic priates have a couple errors it that neveryone is making and something 2k statred. the cap star is not centred on the line. the stars where put between the lines. the other im seeing done is the black pants used need not have two yellow bands. it goes top to botton black, white, yellow. the real way it should be. if the praites are doing that way its wrong. the yelloe cap should have black brim and top button should be black. ther easy mistakes to over look

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40 minutes ago, mcoll said:

the classic priates have a couple errors it that neveryone is making and something 2k statred. the cap star is not centred on the line. the stars where put between the lines. the other im seeing done is the black pants used need not have two yellow bands. it goes top to botton black, white, yellow. the real way it should be. if the praites are doing that way its wrong. the yelloe cap should have black brim and top button should be black. ther easy mistakes to over look

Thanks for the help, could you pass me the photos to guide me better I would appreciate it

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On 7/7/2019 at 10:33 PM, Kccitystar said:

More screens:







I'm going to re-do the Marlins crowd with up to date gear. Should be done sometime this week :)



Kccitystar brother let me know if you already have them ready that I am already finishing the uniforms I have a team left and miami that you said you were going to do them. Then I go with other things missing from the menu update some stadium and music and voila, let me know

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