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Total Conversion Mods

31 files


    --HFLR's MVP Baseball English to Spanish Mod-- --El mod de traduccion de MVP Baseball de Ingles a Español-- ------------------------------ Changes in the version 1.5.5: * MVP Tasks Translated * Correction in AAA teams * More owner


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  2. MVP Caribe official update 1.4

    MVP Caribe :: Update 1.4 I. Contenido general update 1.4 - Rosters actualizados hasta la temporada regular de las 3 ligas. - Estadio de los Caribes de Anzoategui. - Estadio de las Estrellas Orientales. - Actualizacion del estadio de los Yaquis de Ciudad Obregon. - Actualizacion del estadio de los los Tiburones de la Guaira. - Actualizacion del estadio de los Tigres de Aragua. - Actualizacion del estadio de los Navegantes del Magallanes. - Actualizacion de faces. - Actualizacion de portraits. La clave del instalador es: www.mvpcaribe.com MVP Caribe 2007 :: Update 1.4 I. General content of this update - Updated rosters to the last day of the regular season of the 3 leagues. - Caribes de Anzoategui stadium - Estrellas Orientales stadium - Update to the Yaquis de Obregon stadium - Update to the Tiburones de la Guaira stadium - Update to the Tigres de Aragua stadium - Update to the Navegantes del Magallanes stadium - Faces update - Portraits update The installer pasword is: www.mvpcaribe.com


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  3. MVP 07 Patch #2

    Are you tired of having to start over when a roster update is release because the PLUS version has changed and is no longer compatible with the cyberfaces you have set in your dynasty? Not to mention downloading 300-400 MB with every roster release You want to look at the newest roster but at the same time you do not want to lose your season. Well if you stick with the 07 mod Ty has solved that problem for you you will have to ability to update your dynasty's cyberfaces all at once in a flash. This update will make it compatible with any changes that are made to the 07 models.big, and the download for an update will always be 40MB or alot less. (2-10MB most of the time) HERE IS HOW step #1 install the patch step #2 load your dynasty step #3 now go to the "extrasPlusmaker-dynasty&owner_modes" folder inside your MVP folder step #4 run "plusmaker-memory.exe" your dynasty is now compatible with the new models.big, this program will be updated with any and all 07 models.big updates. NEVER HAVE TO START OVER AGAIN step #5 save your dynasty or PLAY the game 2158 portraits updated 14 stadium updates 3 audio updates 2 rosters updated around 80 faces updates 162 uniforms updated schedule updated 07-maker updated datafile updated overlay updated and more


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  4. Pitch meter (positioning) fix for the 07 mod

    *** This is only good for those who use the "behind the pitcher view" from the 07 mod (see screenshot). ***


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  5. MVP 07: MLB for the PC

    This is a 100 % FREE update for your MVP 2005 Baseball game by EA Sports. We however ask you to PLEASE make a donation to the modders’ Paypal accounts if you like the upgrade. krawhitham (paypal@mvplanet.com) Totte's Paypal {christoffer.johansson@delta.telenordia.se}donations go to the Swedish Children's Cancer Hory's paypal (TotalMVP05@gmail.com) The Big O (jtrea81@roadrunner.com) Pirate's Paypal (jaredhartung@gmail.com) kccitystar's Paypal (kccitystar@optonline.net) This download is available @ gigasize FileFront and megaupload MVP 07:MLB is a FREE upgrade to your MVP Baseball 2005 PC version game. It includes up-to-date rosters, uniforms, stadiums, and much, much more. These modifications (or ‘mods’) were created by the many modders listed below. This upgrade may NOT be downloaded and sold for profit. Modder Credits PROJECT MANAGER: krawhitham TOTAL PORTRAITS: Hory, kgbaseball Assisted by krawitham, Zach, AstroEric, DaDonch, voodoo_daddy, bodhiball, Guest, 63impala, cankey, andy5566, redsx2434 BigDom TOTAL AUDIO: Hory, Assisted by Tony3, Veesmack, KCCityStar, 63impala, TxDodger73 ROSTERS: kgbaseball's Roster Overhaul: kgbaseball Contributor: SwinginSoriano Special Advisors: krawhitham, Hory, Tony3 Ultimate Rosters: Totte Special Advisors: krawhitham, Hory, Tony3 Contributors: cybernetic, TwentySeven, herky, sfgiantsflgators Models.big: (UR & KG compatible) COMPILER: krawhitham UNIFORMS: Kccitystar assisted by Royal Blues, thespungo, bigbully, Cubs720 CYBERFACES: krawhitham, Jogar84, Terminatorkorea, Kccitystar, Tribetime26, bodhiball, Zach, JDF42, UncleMo, Bill, boricuapapi1885, tommyjay117, AG, torement, thr33niL, ChicagoCubs720, rokcp99, cornny STADIUMS: HaloFan: Angel Stadium of Anaheim Day HaloFan: Angel Stadium of Anaheim Night Hyman: Dolphins Stadium day Hyman: Dolphins Stadium night Y2K and Hyman: Yankee Stadium day Y2K and Hyman: Yankee Stadium night Pirate & Tribetime: Tropicana Field Pirate: Minute Maid day Pirate: Minute Maid night Pirate: Bank One Ballpark day Pirate: Bank One Ballpark night Pirate: Safeco Field day Pirate: Safeco Field night Pirate: Comerica Park day Pirate: Comerica Park night Pirate: US Cellular Field day Pirate: US Cellular Field night Pirate & Moser316: Miller Park day Pirate & Moser316: Miller Park night Pirate: Jacobs Field day Pirate: Jacobs Field night Pirate: McAfee Coliseum day Pirate: McAfee Coliseum night Pirate: Great American Ballpark day Pirate: Great American Ballpark night Pirate: Kauffman Stadium day Pirate: Kauffman Stadium night Pirate: PNC Park day Pirate: PNC Park night Pirate and Bravesj858: Turner Field Day Pirate and Bravesj858: Turner Field Night Pirate and ChicagoCubs720: Busch Stadium day Pirate and ChicagoCubs720: Busch Stadium night Pirate: Citizens Bank Park day Pirate: Citizens Bank Park night Pirate: SBC Park day Pirate: SBC Park night Pirate: Petco Park day Pirate: Petco Park night Pirate: RFK Stadium day Pirate: RFK Stadium night Pirate: Ameriquest Field in Arlington day Pirate: Ameriquest Field in Arlington night Pirate and MauerPower: Metrodome rdsk: Rogers Centre day rdsk: Rogers Centre night Rolie and Pirate: Dodger Stadium day Rolie and Pirate: Dodger Stadium night Pirate: Shea Stadium day Pirate: Shea Stadium night The Big O: Fenway Park day The Big O: Fenway Park The Big O: Oriole Park at Camden Yards day The Big O: Oriole Park at Camden Yards night Trues and ChicagoCubs720: Wrigley Field day Trues and ChicagoCubs720: Wrigley Field night Pirate: Coors Field day Pirate: Coors Field night The Big O: Fort Lauderdale Stadium OVERLAY: Trues DATAFILE: krawhitham, Pared, SerialMike, spitoon, K.S.M SCHEDULE: Hory PROGRESSION FILE: ronmexico STADIUM SELECT SCREENS: ChicagoCubs720 FRONTEND ART: krawhitham, Kccitystar, jhath LOGOS: kgbaseball, MarlinsMY BATS: Kennyess GLOVES: Spungo MLB BALL: Trues WALK-UP MUSIC: edm INSTALLER: krawhitham System Requirements and Installation Guide System Requirements: 1) MVP Baseball 2005 for PC CDs Installation Guide: You will needs the original CDs from MVP 2005 or CD images (ISOs) Launch the installer, it will ask you where to install (this will remove your current install, so feel free to pick an new folder so you can keep your current install). It will ask for CD1 the CD2, after it gets the needed files from the CDs in will begin to install the 07 mod. Sit make this may take a bit. Once done play the game or use the included 07maker to start a dynasty in the 2007 season. Troubleshooting Problem: My game crashes before it loads, or gameplay is very slow and there is a lot of stuttering. Solution: Your computer might not be powerful enough to handle the 2x stadium graphics and uniforms. First, try installing Kccitystar’s 1x uniforms. If that doesn’t help, try replacing the new stadiums with EA’s original ones (found on MVP disk 2). For further support and help visit the EAmods official MVP 07 support forum here Donation Information This is a 100 % FREE update for your MVP 2005 Baseball game by EA Sports. We however ask you to PLEASE make a donation to the modders’ Paypal accounts if you like the upgrade. krawhitham (paypal@mvplanet.com) Totte's Paypal {christoffer.johansson@delta.telenordia.se}donations go to the Swedish Children's Cancer Hory's paypal (TotalMVP05@gmail.com) The Big O (jtrea81@roadrunner.com) Pirate's Paypal (jaredhartung@gmail.com) kccitystar's Paypal (kccitystar@optonline.net) kgbaseball's Paypal (Kgbaseball592@yahoo.com) Visit MVPMods.com and EAMods.com for the latest MVP Baseball mods!


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