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speaking of mcgwire...


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So what do people outside of St. Louis think of McGwire?

He used andro, but it was legal at the time.

His increase in size suggest that he may have been taking a little

something else at the time as well, but there has been no evidence

turning up against him.

Here in St. Louis, he's like a god, but im interested to know how others see him. Good guy or cheater?

At the very least, I would think that most would agree that he isnt as much of a cheater as bonds or sosa :p

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according to conti just about everyone in sports is cheating but they don't think of it as cheating just keeping up with the jones's, actually i could care less if they take steroids, in fact the farther the ball goes the better i like it :)

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according to conti just about everyone in sports is cheating but they don't think of it as cheating just keeping up with the jones's, actually i could care less if they take steroids, in fact the farther the ball goes the better i like it :)

now thats just stupid

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there's no doubt that he cheated. So did many other Major Leaguers. Homerun totals don't simply skyrocket to 60+ per season and then all of a sudden drop back down to the point where noone hits 50+ homeruns.

the game hasn't been clean for at least a decade.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just have to add that Big Mac flirted with 50 homers when he was a rookie. The power was always there for him. He was never a great average guy, yeah he bulked up, but the andro was for a troubling back condition, and as soon as he found out it was bothering people, he stopped taking it. Still hit 60+ that next year too.

Nonetheless, andro could be bought at any health store and was legal in the MLB at that time, the steroids we are discussing in today's news have always been illegal. In my eyes, that makes it a different scenario.

At least he never corked his bat. :p

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In my heart and mind, Maris' record still stands.

Now consider Mantle: As far as strength, compare the home run distances of Mickey Mantle verses McGwire without a beefed up ball and the mound being higher which helped the pitchers.

For the comparision, see the site:


I know Mick hit some LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG home-runs...

But come on, 734 Feet? That is complete bull....

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