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Concept Uni Request Thread + 60 Uni Project


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Oh man, Fastflink's gonna freak when he sees this today ...

And Bama, I agree the script is essential to jerseys, but I don't think I like the Tigers uni's, they seem a little too 'bubbly' for me, almost like a girl designed the jersey. But hey, maybe in the future that's how all writing will be.

Also, if the Cubs play in a different stadium, i'm sure they'll have genetically engineered super ivy that grows along the walls and feeds off fans and opposing players in the outfield. I mean, that's a given in the future, right?

I don't care anymore but just quit bein a jerk. It just seemed to me that now nobody would want our stuff anymore b/c all those jerseys look so nice. So I'll just forget it. We will make our project and if nobody wants it then its their loss.

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Nope, I say go forth with the project, i'd still like to see what you guys come up with. The other jerseys are nice, but they're a little too futuristic for me. Besides, a little competition should just make you guys work a little harder, right?

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Nope, I say go forth with the project, i'd still like to see what you guys come up with. The other jerseys are nice, but they're a little too futuristic for me. Besides, a little competition should just make you guys work a little harder, right?
Yup, It's all good now. I will post screenies of the AL West teams soon. Hope you guys like.
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Knock it off, everyone is tierd of it

they may well be, however just to straighten this out as I happen to make the unis for the game and know what can and can't be done in the main, and that is moving or adding front or sleeve numbers. Not even Fuzzone has worked out how to set them Don't believe me if you wish but you'll find out come Houston time.

btw Spungo the Astros uni is on my site if you want it, Manager jacket by kccitystar I believe

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they may well be, however just to straighten this out as I happen to make the unis for the game and know what can and can't be done in the main, and that is moving or adding front or sleeve numbers. Don't believe me if you wish but you'll find out come Houston time.

btw Spungo the Astros uni is on my site if you want it, Manager jacket by kccitystar I believe

Hell No Biker Jim. That is our design and you can't release it on your own. You made our design so you better take that off your site because that isn't yours. Either join us or quit making OUR designs.
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Hell No Biker Jim. That is our design and you can't release it on your own. You made our design so you better take that off your site because that isn't yours. Either join us or quit making OUR designs.
You cannot make our unis and distribute them w/o asking us
Thats the key word there. He made them

I think the man who does the work can distribute them how he wants, no matter who "designed" them.....its not like hes selling them or something, He just said that anyone who wants it can get it off his site. He helped out and made some and now you are telling him he cant let anyone download them ? Im amazed anyone else would want to work for you.

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Thats the key word there. He made them

I think the man who does the work can distribute them how he wants, no matter who "designed" them.....its not like hes selling them or something, He just said that anyone who wants it can get it off his site. He helped out and made some and now you are telling him he cant let anyone download them ? Im amazed anyone else would want to work for you.

You can ask BaMa and Mcoll if they wanted him to have them on his site w/o asking permission. Plus we will make them its not like no one will be able to have them. He can have them on his site but he needed to ask us which he didn't and he needs to credit us, which he didnt.

you try and help out

What does that mean Biker Jim? I'm not doing anything? I've made 35 of our 43 unis. But think what you want everyone. I was just suprised when he never even told us he was doing that. But if Biker Jim wants to make them maybe he should join our project. But Whatever

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Dude, all fastflink's said is that if biker_jim_uk wants to make our jerseys, thats fine, BUT he has to join in. Mcoll and TROR have already made some of these, and if he wants to make them, he (biker) should probably ask mcoll and TROR.

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Nah, its just a small group of people have gotten really rowdy lately, it's not always like this

Yeah, I guess that's true. I remember back when people use to be just flat out mean, back before the left-field boards were closed. Yeah, but this, this is just plain silly ... yet entertaining ...

Also, I love the Mariners teal uniforms, but I liked it even better the first time I saw it, when they actually wore those in 1994 ...

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guys we half fix this issue. most of the concept that concerns if not all the concepts that matter to this thread were created by Fastflink2009 not jim the biker, but by fastflink2009 and bama are the only two who have done the concepts. myself and TROR and bama are the only ones that have made any of the actual working uniforms from throws concepts design. so jim saying he did throws, he's wrong. if that what he's saying. ie the screen on page 29 of seattle white and then there teal are directly from concepts Fastflink2009 designed and i made into a working uniform and fastfink approved them and posted the screenshot of what i produced. so please quit taking credit unless your apart of the project. state what yours right and not steal crdit of others Fastflink2009 or bama will release the pics of offical pics and uniforms will be posted to this site and this site only as far the plan goes.

end of story.

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And Bama, I agree the script is essential to jerseys, but I don't think I like the Tigers uni's, they seem a little too 'bubbly' for me, almost like a girl designed the jersey. But hey, maybe in the future that's how all writing will be.

I didn't necessarily say i liked them, just that the Tigers are the only team with the traditional script wordmark holding true to tradition.

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Biker Jim doesnt need to ask anyone for permission to make concept jerseys. He is in fact creating the actual jersey while you are just presenting the idea. Do you have a contractual agreement between the group members as to who does things and where the credit is to be passed onto?

Sometimes, alot of you sound like immature little brats. Who cares if he does the uniforms. People don't have to download them if they don't want to.

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Biker Jim doesnt need to ask anyone for permission to make concept jerseys. He is in fact creating the actual jersey while you are just presenting the idea. Do you have a contractual agreement between the group members as to who does things and where the credit is to be passed onto?

Sometimes, alot of you sound like immature little brats. Who cares if he does the uniforms. People don't have to download them if they don't want to.

Please, we are passed this. I just want to release our project in groups that we were going to, and........ We are making jerseys not just presenting ideas so, we are just gonna do the project like we are going to.
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