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Blizzard of 06!


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Damn. Just Damn. It's been snowing since around maybe 5 PM or earlier yesterday and it's still going today. I can't tell how much, maybe a foot and a half, but my car is half buried. Reminds me of the blizzard of 03. I just wished it got pushced one day foward so I could get school off tomorow.

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It's been snowing since Friday night here. It didn't stick to the roads since most of the snowplows in Virginia have cleaned the streets off. I also doubt college classes will be postponed tommorow , but the sight is still nice to see regardless.

The only thing I dislike about this storm is me eventually having to get outside and clean the snow off my car. :(

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The final total in NYC 26.9 inches. More than the blizzard of '03 or '96. My snowday begins now as I woke up and had to dig out my sidewalk again, two cars, my neigbors sidewalk, thier driveway, and salt it all down. But hey, it's worth the $10 I made.

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It was 84 here on Saturday and 79 yesterday. No snow, no blizzard, in fact it hasn't rained in 115 days. No precipitation in nearly 4 months in Phoenix! Everything is dying.

I don't miss the snow one bit.

The only reason I would hate living in a hot place is when Christmas comes rollin around, it doesnt have that same feeling. Other than that, I wouldnt mind hot all year.

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Where did this idea of a blizzard come into play. This winter storm does not meet the criteria to be called a blizzard. The winds were not strong enough, and visibility was not poor enough.

However I made easy money by snow shoveling, and I stayed mostly at home working on Total MLB 1.07.

I hate the snow though. I want spring to come ASAP.

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Where did this idea of a blizzard come into play?

The fact we had over two feet of snow and all the news stations have "Blizzard of '06" posted in big letters on the T.V.

Good news with 1.07. Looking foward to that.

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