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New York Nation: A 2007 Yankees Dynasty


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New York Nation: A 2007 New York Yankees Dynasty

Game: MVP '05 w/ '06 mod

Sliders: Self-Created

Datafile: Self-Created

Difficulty: All-Star

Rosters: Totte's Ultimate Rosters 8.1

I will be using: Tywiggins' Schedule Updater & BoxScore Extractor

Other Info: RonMexico's progression & free agency mods; fielding computer assisted (don't have a joystick); Trues' MVP 07 overlay; various other minor mods.

This is a 2007 mod with an '07 schedule, rosters, and all. I will try to keep this fairly updated, hope you guys will all enjoy this. It will be the 07 Yankees.. With a twist!

To begin this dynasty, I plan to make a couple pretty big transactions, you'll like them. Then I will show you guys a few spring training games, before I take off with the season opener against Tampa Bay. Watch this spot!

P.S: George Steinbrenner is watching!

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Transactions Update



OF Bernie Williams

- A Yankees insider reports that though the Yankees did in fact extend a spring training invitation to Bernie Williams, discussions between the two parties have been concluded and no agreement has been reached.


SP Roger Clemens

-The same Yankees insider has reported that the Yankees and seven-time Cy Young Award winner Roger Clemens are coming "near an agreement" for a one year contract that could be worth as much as fifteen million dollars


1B Andy Phillips, Doug Mientkiewicz, Josh Phelps

-While no decision has been concluded as to who starts the season at first base, all reports from the Yankees front seem to indicate that Josh Phelps and Doug Mientkiewicz will start the season in a lefty/right platoon.

Trade Rumors: Seattle deal

-Rumors of a trade with the Seattle Mariners have been coming up recently; Names that have been mentioned in the trade rumors include Andy Phillips, Rene Rivera or Jeff Clement, and Carl Pavano. In addition, any deal would likely include minor leaguers from both sides. One of the most common rumors would be a deal that sends Andy Phillips and a minor leaguer for Rene Rivera or Jeff Clement.

Also, guys, if you want to send in questions, go ahead, that way I can have a "Yankees Mailbag" similar to the one on Yankees.com.

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This looks like it will be a great dynasty. Have fun with it.

Also, guys, if you want to send in questions, go ahead, that way I can have a "Yankees Mailbag" similar to the one on Yankees.com.

Are there any talks going on about a Mariano Rivera contract extension? How many more seasons do you think he has left, and are there any plans for when he retires?

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Yankees Mailbag - February 10

Your questions answered by Yankees beat writer TwentySeven

Are there any talks going on about a Mariano Rivera contract extension? How many more seasons do you think he has left, and are there any plans for when he retires?


Good question, 2muchclutch. From all the information I have heard, the Yankees have approached Jorge Posada, Mariano Rivera, and various other Yankees with expiring contracts. While no serious discussion has resulted from these preliminary talks, it is still quite early and Brian Cashman is well known as being someone willing to wait. The Yankees are likely to start serious discussions sometime during the season, but don't hold your breath on this one.

What do you think Philip Hughes' role will be this year in the Bronx? Will he be there or not? And will he have a spot in the rotation?


At this point it doesn't look as though Phil will have a spot. Depending on Carl Pavano's health and performance, Phil might move up on the depth chart, but Brian Cashman wants to give Philip all the time he needs and is trying not to rush him. The Yankees have no urgent need of Phil yet - they already have quite a few major-league ready starters, including Kei Igawa, Andy Pettitte, Mike Mussina, Carl Pavano, Chien-Ming Wang, Darrell Rasner, and Jeff Karstens. In addition, it seems as though the Yankees are actively pursuing future Hall-of-Famer Roger Clemens, looking for a one year deal. Phil will likely start the season in Scranton, but he could be up in the majors as early as June or July, and will likely be up at the latest during the annual September call-ups.

Who will be the primary backup catcher for the Yankees? I'd guess Wil Nieves is the front runner, since he's on the 40-man, but what about experienced backups Todd Pratt, Raul Chavez, and even Ben Davis?


Great question, cubsfan. This is the question in the minds of many Yankee fans as Jorge Posada gets older and begins to decline. At this point it looks as though the Yankees have decided that Pratt is the best option, but they will likely keep the other options in the system just in case. The Yankees do not have any catcher ready to take over for Posada in the next few years, however, so a deal to try to pick up a young catcher who can be a backup and eventually take over the starting job might be in the works. One popular rumor has the Yankees dealing Andy Phillips for Rene Rivera or Jeff Clement, both catchers in the Seattle system.

--Keep up the questions, guys! I'm busy editing the rosters to be more accurate - small things, a few ratings adjustments, etc. The "offseason" will be over in a few days - spring training is coming! In case you are wondering, I will play maybe five spring training games.

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Rocket to wait till May to sign

In a surprise move to some, Roger Clemens' agent Randy Hendricks issued a statement that "Roger has decided to make a decision about a team in May at earliest." Clemens, who turns 45 this season, has won seven Cy Young awards and is considered to still be among the best pitchers in baseball. 65x9

Immediately following the statement, Yankees general manager Brian Cashman, in an ESPN interview, said that "it is good news for us - it gives us some time to figure out what is going on in our rotation. Obviously, we would love to have him playing for us, whether it be in April or June, but this gives us more flexibility."

Yankees owner George Steinbrenner could not be reached for comment.

I have decided not to play spring training.

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Mailbag: Mr. twentyseven, everyone knows that Carl Pavano was a waste of money for the Yankees and there are rumors of trading him to other team, if he doesnt get traded will you use him as a Long Relief pitcher or he will be the pitcher number 5 in your rotation moving Igawa to the bullpen?

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