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The Movies Thread!


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Hey guys, I figured I would start one of these threads so that we can have all movie related posts in one thread. You can talk about anything and everything about movies - the movies that you liked, disliked, what you want to watch, favorite actor/actress, etc...

To start it off, I had gone to see Into the Wild last night and I have to say that it truly is an amazing movie. One of the best movies I have seen. Sean Penn has truly directed a classic and the soundtrack; mainly featuring Eddie Vadder (Pearl Jam); is one of the best I have heard. I would really urge anyone who hasn't seen the movie to go see it.

Its based on a true story and the movie actually keeps itself in line with the book throughout. Couple of my favorite quotes from the movie:

- "When you want something in life, you just gotta reach out and grab it."

- "I read somewhere... how important it is in life not necessarily to be strong... but to feel strong."

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I thought American Gangster was way overhyped, and certainly too long.
I agree it was too long but it was a damn good movie none the less and even RZA was in the movie showin dat WU TANG tattoo, anyways it was a good movie that diserved the hype. A Movie that IMO is getting more hype I AM LEGEND which looks like an awsome movie and idk why cuz wtf is Will Smith going against anyways?
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American Gangster could have been good, but it indeed was a terrible film. There were several scenes which served no purpose, making the film way too long. It was 2 hrs and 40 mins, but it felt like a 4 hour movie. It was painful to sit through. Furthermore, I expected a lot more from Denzel. The movie went too much into Crowe's character had too much depth causing us to only see the surface of Frank Lucas. Furthermore, if you look into it, it wasn't even an accurate portrayal of what was supposed to be the most ruthless drug kingpin in the 1970's. Lastly, the best acting in the film was done by the third lead, Josh Brolin.

Speaking of Josh Brolin, an amazing movie is No Country for Old Men. The film is so remarkably made, it is an instant classic and the defining work of the Coen Brothers. Jones, Brolin and Bardem all give what could be Oscar worthy performances. Especially Bardem. I haven't seen anyone pull off such an intense, pitiless symbol of evil since Hopkins played the infamous Hannibal Lector. The plot keeps you on the edge of your seat at every point, and the ending one for the books. It isn't even remotely close to anything I have seen before. The Coen Brothers really took it to the next level with No Country.

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Some of the movies this year that I have really enjoyed watching:

- Into the Wild

- Bourne Ultimatium (no question - the best movie of the trilogy)

- 1408 (But I had to watch it twice to understand the movie completely)

- Ocean's Thirteen (though I kinda liked the first one too, about the same I would say)

- Breach

And the movies that I am looking forward to watching:

- Michael Clayton

- Reservation Road

- The Kite Runner

- The Darjeeling Limited

- Reign Over Me

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Superbad was by far, the best comedy of the summer.

The Bourne Ultimatum was simply amazing...a great "end" to the trilogy.

Spiderman 3 was absolute crap.

I went and saw American Gangster on Tuesday, I thought it was a little longer then it needed to be, but a great movie none the less.

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