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The Other 2013 Season Mod You Won't Find On This Site


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You're right, Y4L. It's not right just to list them in the credits, they should ask for permission.

I already talked with jeferomer about it, he feels worse than terrible, he trully does, he feels so bad that he will stop working with the Latino mod, the only thing he wanted was to keep MVP Baseball alive and bring happiness to them. He fully aknowledges his mistake.

He'll support the MVP Caribe 13 mod with faces he makes and has been told that he should notify immediately if he uses a face from other modder so I or someone else of the Caribe team asks for the author's permission.

I dont know if you have anything else to say, my friend, Y4L, is there something we can do?

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On 7/25/2013 at 10:11 PM, HFLR said:

You're right, Y4L. It's not right just to list them in the credits, they should ask for permission.

I already talked with jeferomer about it, he feels worse than terrible, he trully does, he feels so bad that he will stop working with the Latino mod, the only thing he wanted was to keep MVP Baseball alive and bring happiness to them. He fully aknowledges his mistake.

He'll support the MVP Caribe 13 mod with faces he makes and has been told that he should notify immediately if he uses a face from other modder so I or someone else of the Caribe team asks for the author's permission.

That sounds great Hector. Like I said when I posted some screenshots of this mod on the first page of this thread, not everything in this mod was bad. Have you seen the introductory video? It is fantastic. And the loading screens looked good. Whomever made those loading screens has a real talent.


If you say jeferomer feels bad about this then I take your word for it because you have been nothing but a stand-up guy who has always been truthful and honest. I've seen some of his work here and his cyberfaces look great. So I can understand why you wanted to add someone who could do great work like that the the Caribe team.


The only reason why I made this thread was because it was the second year in a row this was done. I think all this really ended up being was a combination of two things. First he didn't really understand the friendship rule that's always been around and secondly because of the language barrier.

I dont know if you have anything else to say, my friend, Y4L, is there something we can do?

Nothing else to say Hector. Thank you. And thank you again for the great Caribe and WBC mods that you guys do. They are much appreciated! :)

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Saludos pana Guaro, te explicaré un poco la postura de Yankee4Life sobre el mod 2013.

Desde hace más de 8 años, se ha creado un código de ética (algo así como las reglas no escritas del béisbol) respecto a los mods que hacen los fans. Se supone que antes de utilizar el trabajo de alguien más en algun proyecto de MVP, se le manda un mensaje privado y se le pregunta si se puede usar el mod en la versión o el proyecto que tengas (algo que siempre se ha hecho en MVP Caribe).

Vamos a poner un ejemplo, los estadios. Digamos que Pirate (miembro de mvpmods) hace una versión del Citi Field de los Mets, si alguien quiere meter el estadio a una versión nueva del MVP (como el Latino) o modificar dicho estadio tiene que mandarle un mensaje a Pirate y pedirle permiso, así mismo para todo (uniformes, caras, audios, portraits). Yo pienso que ese gesto de "pedir permiso" es lo que ayuda a mantener viva a varios de los modders de la vieja guardia por así decirles ya que se quedan alegres si su trabajo es mostrado en otras versiones y así se motivan a modificar más, pero si no se le notifica y luego ve su mod en otro lado sin que le den crédito (o lo más importante, le pidan permiso) es algo que desmotiva y molesta a la gente, llegando a tal punto que dejen de hacer mods y perdamos a gente muy valiosa de nuestra comunidad.

Para hacer un completamente desde cero se tiene que agarrar el MVP 2005 limpio o hacer una lista de mods que quisieras integrar a una versión (por ejemplo, MVP Latino) pedir permiso y aparte dar créditos dentro del juego, así le ha hecho MVP Caribe desde el inicio en la sección de Créditos del videojuego.

Te gustaría que alguien publicara tu trabajo y que alguien dijera que es suyo? Te doy otro ejemplo, en MVP Caribe sacamos una versión 2009 del Clásico Mundial de Béisbol, fue un gran acierto, pero a los días nos encontramos con una versión idéntica del mod del WBC 2009 donde sólo cambiaron unas imagenes y la pantalla de selección de uniformes, lo demás era idéntico y nunca pidió permiso. OJO, no estoy diciendo que el MVP Latino sea así, es un ejemplo de que se debe de pedir permiso para mantener el código de ética que ha mantenido a esta comunidad por más de 8 años.

PD: Y sí, Jeferomer ahora forma parte del equipo que hace MVP Caribe ya que yo pienso que hace muy buenas faces y ya me demostró que puede hacerlas ya que lo puse a prueba con unas. Es muy buena persona, he hablado con él los últimos días y se ve que es una grán persona, es sólo que no conoce sobre el código de ética...


Hello Nani, I'll explain to you that Yankee4Life tries to say about the 2013 mod.

For over 8 years, this community has created a "frienship code" (something like the non-written rules of baseball) about the mods that the fans create. It's supposed that you should send a message to the owner or creator of a mod before you use their work on a new version or a new edition of the mod (it's something MVP Caribe has always done).

I'll give you anm example, stadiums. Let's say Pirate (MVPmods member) creates Citi Field of the New York Mets. If someone wants to include the stadium in a new version of MVP (like the MVP Latino) or modify that stadium, Pirate should be nottified and ask for permission, that works for everything (uniforms, faces, audios, portraits). I think that gesture of "asking for permission" is what helps our community stay alive because the modders get recognized for their work and motivates them to keep it up, but if you don't ask for permission and they see their work somewhere else they would get mad to the point that they'd stop making mods because they aren't being recognized for something they made, losing very important people of our community.

To create a Total Conversion Mod you should take the original MVP 2005 and modify it, or, make a list of mods that you'd like to put in your version and ask for permission (for example, MVP Latino) and give credits, that's what MVP Caribe has done since 2007 in the credits section of the videogame.

Would you like it if someone publishes your job without giving credits? I'll give you another example, MVP Caribe released WBC Caribe in 2009 and it was a huge hit, but, few days later we found or version being upladed to another site with a few changes (loading screens, backgrounds and uniform selection screens) and the guy said it was his! HEY, I'm not saying MVP Latino is like that, it's just an example of what should be done to mantain the "friendship code" that has mantained this community on for more than 8 years.

PS: And yes, Jeferomer is now in the MVP Caribe Team because I think he makes really good faces, I know he has because I asked him to do a very hard face and he did deliver. He's a great guy, I have talked with him a lot on this past few days and I dont think he wanted to make the MVP Community feel mad with his version, he's a nice guy but he doesn't know the friendship code, maybe he was lost in the translation, I don't know, but I think he didn't do it on purpose.

Amigo HFLR yo entiendo eso de pedir permiso y respeto eso, pero la forma tan despectiva como lo escribió fue lo que me cayó mal y le explique que para nosotros los latinos lo importante es ayudar no alimentar nuestro ego, con lo de los permiso a mi kyler me informo y me pidió permiso para unas cosas que yo monte y le dije que si que no tenía problemas y he visto a otros que ya lo tienen sin pedírmelo solo me alegro que el trabajo que hacemos les guste a otros entiendo todo eso es mas yo he pedido permiso en unas ocasiones también, pero quiero que entiendan a toda la comunidad mvp que lo único que vale es hacer un trabajo bueno que guste a las personas que les gusta este juego eso es lo que quería dejar entender que muy fuera de eso hay que hacer criticas constructivas no despectivas tal vez si ellos piden ayuda creo y estoy seguro que el pana jefer les hubiese ayudado sin criticar saludos mi pana……

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  • 3 weeks later...

Is he speaking in the name of all the latin people? eehm, i'm from the Caribbean, Latino as well and i'd like people to ask me for permission too, even though my name shows up in the credits, if you don't ask me to put what i've done in what you're doing i won't be happy with you.

Edited by ElB0rat
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  • 10 months later...
On 6/29/2014 at 7:25 PM, bctrackboi11 said:

I made a post over there about this, we'll see what happens if anything.

I have a very good idea of what is going to happen. They are going to deny everything and get mad. These are not the guys who make the Mvp Caribe mod. I just want to get that clear. The guy that headed this mod (jeferomer) used to be on this site but he had four other accounts that were found and that's why he is no longer here. But that hasn't stopped him from blaming me for his banning.


I think the people that made that mod have a lot of potential. It's always nice when there are other modders working on Mvp. But credit has to be given because it's the courteous thing to do.

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  • 2 weeks later...

First off, if you're going to write a review, polish it. This looks like an essay written by a 5th grader with some of the spelling mistakes (Thiefs; Carbie) and references (stupid, girl's list).

Secondly, I think you're crossing the line when making a statement like "Latino Thiefs". Plus, the notion of mods being pilfered has already been dealt with. So, I'm not sure why you're even re-hashing this. It's like you're opening a can of worms all over again.

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First off, if you're going to write a review, polish it. This looks like an essay written by a 5th grader with some of the spelling mistakes (Thiefs; Carbie) and references (stupid, girl's list).

Secondly, I think you're crossing the line when making a statement like "Latino Thiefs". Plus, the notion of mods being pilfered has already been dealt with. So, I'm not sure why you're even re-hashing this. It's like you're opening a can of worms all over again.

I just don't like how this can happen. You guys do really good work and thinking about it I took it a ittle too far.

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On 7/11/2014 at 8:05 PM, daflyboys said:

First off, if you're going to write a review, polish it. This looks like an essay written by a 5th grader with some of the spelling mistakes (Thiefs; Carbie) and references (stupid, girl's list).

Secondly, I think you're crossing the line when making a statement like "Latino Thiefs". Plus, the notion of mods being pilfered has already been dealt with. So, I'm not sure why you're even re-hashing this. It's like you're opening a can of worms all over again.

Thank you daflyboys, thank you. I was considering writing this guy a PM about what he did but I changed my mind after I read his review for the second time. I'll talk to him out here.


Peter Griffin: This was an old thread that died out last year and the only reason why posts were made in here last month is that one of the modders came in here to let us know that another version has been released for the third straight year.


I don't know what you were trying to accomplish here unless you were trying to waste the time of everyone that comes in this thread and reads what you wrote. If that is what you were trying to do then you were successful.


You went way over the line when you called them "Latino Thieves" (note the correct spelling when you pluralize the word thief.) You made it seem that the Mvp Caribe website was behind this mod and you have no idea how wrong you are. Mvp Caribe is responsible for the yearly Caribe mod and the WBC mod. Some of the people who are on the Caribe site did this mod. There is a huge difference that you conveniently overlooked.


If you have anything to say to the creators of this mod then I would like you to join Mvp Caribe and post your reviews over there because there was no need to re-hash this again. Go back and read this entire thread. Everyone had their say and it was all settled until you had to come in and stir it up again.


And if you are using Firefox I suggest you utilize the spell checker that is included in that browser.

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Thank you daflyboys, thank you. I was considering writing this guy a PM about what he did but I changed my mind after I read his review for the second time. I'll talk to him out here.

Peter Griffin: This was an old thread that died out last year and the only reason why posts were made in here last month is that one of the modders came in here to let us know that another version has been released for the third straight year.

I don't know what you were trying to accomplish here unless you were trying to waste the time of everyone that comes in this thread and reads what you wrote. If that is what you were trying to do then you were successful.

You went way over the line when you called them "Latino Thieves" (note the correct spelling when you pluralize the word thief.) You made it seem that the Mvp Caribe website was behind this mod and you have no idea how wrong you are. Mvp Caribe is responsible for the yearly Caribe mod and the WBC mod. Some of the people who are on the Caribe site did this mod. There is a huge difference that you conveniently overlooked.

If you have anything to say to the creators of this mod then I would like you to join Mvp Caribe and post your reviews over there because there was no need to re-hash this again. Go back and read this entire thread. Everyone had their say and it was all settled until you had to come in and stir it up again.

And if you are using Firefox I suggest you utilize the spell checker that is included in that browser.

Well Said Yankee4Life. Look I am just getting used to the background of MVP Modding here. I have not been able to come here for quite a while (Router Problems). I apologize to everyone for my comments. You are correct about re-hashing also. Also this site is great. A great community of happy people who share 2 interests Baseball and MVP Baseball 2005. I promise to keep everything under control.


Peter Griffin

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this getting to a redickles thread, and wher likely not going reslove iy. and i suggest it be stopped. ive read threw it andthere good points but after awhile itfeels like a waste time and space discussing this. all wher going to di is go around and around.

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this getting to a redickles thread, and wher likely not going reslove iy. and i suggest it be stopped. ive read threw it andthere good points but after awhile itfeels like a waste time and space discussing this. all wher going to di is go around and around.

You're right mcoll and the only way to stop this is to lock this thread since there's really nothing else to talk about anyway. Those guys over there make their own version of the work that is done on this site and that's that. Like you said it's just going round and round now. Besides, Peter Griffin edited his original post in here and there is nothing more to say.


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