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A Newbie'S Letters To His Friend


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The topic of this thread tells all. Enjoy!

March 29th: Hey Jimmy I just wanted to let you know of this new website that I joined today called mvpmods. It has a lot of addons for my 2k10 baseball game but these guys over here don't call them addons they call them mods so I am going to call them mods too and I guess that will make me a modder just like everyone else is here.

I can only download two files a day but the guy that runs the place has an option where you can donate money and you can download how much you want so I decided to check that out. Well for ten dollars I can be a lifetime member but I'm not doing that because when I am 99 years old I don't want to download stuff for 2k10 because I figure there will be another baseball game by then. The five dollar one gives me unlimited downloads for the year and I was going to do that but then I had a grate idea and I said to myself that if I create eight different accounts I can download 16 mods a day and that will be just fine. I bet no one ever thought of that hey Jimmy?

I'll let you know more once I get settled in.


March 30th: Wow Jimmy you got to join this place there is a lot of stuff for this baseball game. Some guy named Don Spot makes a lot of uniforms but I don't think he knows anything about baseball. He made some uniforms for the Boston Braves and everybody's mother knows that the Braves play in Atlanta. I bet this guy thinks the Phillies play in Pittsburgh. I sent him a message letting him know he was wrong and he wrote back to me and told me to go read a book. That's how people are when they know they are wrong. They tell you to go do something else because they are too embarrassed to admit they made a mistake. It's a good thing I joined this website so I can teach these guys about the grate game of baseball.

Talk to you soon.


April 1st: Sorry I didn't write yesterday Jimmy but I was busy reinstalling my game because I tried to put in a uniform and it made the game crash. You know my favorite team is the Marlins, right? Well no one has made a uniform for the Marlins yet in the game so I made a new thread asking for a Marlins uniform and just to be sure that someone would see it I made the same thread four times. One guy got mad at me and told me why don't you use your head the next time? But I didn't say anything back because I didn't want to give someone I didn't know a beat down on the internet. That was almost like what Vice Principal Mullin said to me the other day he said Joey you'd lose your head if if wasn't attached to you and I said to him Vice Principal Mullin I can't lose my head because it doesn't come off. And he couldn't say nothing about that and he just walked away. I got some pretty good comebacks, don't I?

Yeah, well the reason why I had to reinstall my game was I wanted the Marlins uniform but then I got lucky and I found some but whoever runs this website put them in the wrong place. They were in a place called the MVP 2005 area so I just grabbed them and put that uniform in my game. After I downloaded the uniform I wrote a letter to the owner of this place some guy named Trust and I told him to get his house in order and put the uniforms where they belong.

So I start the game up and what do you know the game goes to desktop when I try to pick the Marlins because they rule! I don't know why so I went back in there and asked for help and this one guy asked me where I got the Marlins uniform from so I gave him the link for it and he said you dope that uniform is for Mvp baseball. I asked him what that game was and when was that coming out and I swear to God I think a lot of those guys on that site want to be librarians because he told me to go read a book too.

Talk to you soon, Joey

April 2nd: Well Jimmy I got the game all up and running again and now I am back where I started. It seems as this Mvp game was here before 2k10 and all the stuff for Mvp does not work with 2k10 and you would think they would have that in bold print or something. I bet this mistake happens every day in there and I feel bad if it happens to someone who is not a computer expert like myself.

I made four more threads today asking for opening day rosters and some guy on that site says to me he says "it's not even opening day yet." And I told him that I knew that and I also said to him that I bet you didn't know when opening day was and he said he guessed he didn't because he's been living under a rock all winter.

I'm telling you Jimmy you got to get 2k10 and join this place because they got a lot of stuff. Too bad none of the mods here work because every one I have downloaded do not work for me and I doubt if they work for anybody else too. Maybe if you join you might get lucky and get a mod that works. And the things these guys make is a waste of time too. Some guy made Chase Field where the Diamondbacks play and I'm like Dude what are you doing? That's already in the game. I bet he spent all that time making that ballpark and then felt stupid when he found out that it was already included in 2k10. I think these people need a lot of help.

Remember, I can't talk to you on the computer over the weekend because of homework but you can come over later and we can get on the PS3.


April 5th: Wow Jimmy did you see today's game? Jason Heyward hit a home run on his first major league at bat. Heyward rules! I think he's got a grate chance to beat the All time home run record. The Braves are number one! I'm a big Braves fan and I think they are going to go all the way this year.

It was good to hear that you went out over the weekend and bought 2k10. Now I can bring you to mvpmods and show you around because I have been there one week now and I am not a newbie anymore. We can play online all you want just as long as I get to be the Braves!

I started a poll in there and I asked the question if Jason Heyward wasn't the greatest player of all time but a lot of people just laughed. I think they were too ashamed because I bet they never heard of him. Not everyone is a baseball insider like me.

Well Jimmy you let me know what your screen name is when you join up and I will let you know all of mine and I will let you know how to create a whole bunch of them when you get settled it. I want to go watch some more games on TV and then play more 2k.


April 6th: Jimmy if you have not joined mvpmods yet don't even bother because it is all over for me. Some guy named Y2K said to me hey you send me a private message so I did. Then he asks me why I have eight different accounts and I told him I didn't feel like making nine of them but he didn't think that was funny. He says don't you know how to read the rules and I said I do, how about you? I tried some of my best funny stuff on that guy but he wouldn't budge. He said I bet you made all those accounts so you can have more downloads for yourself and I said how did you know, has this been done before and he said yeah about as many times as Oprah has gone on a diet.

So Jimmy as it turns out I am banned from that place for having too many screen names but it is no big deal because not one mod that I downloaded ever worked for me and I never thought I would come across a bunch of people on a baseball site that didn't know nothing about the game. The Boston Braves! Who are they kidding??

See you tomorrow in school!


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In the movie trailer voice, "One Man. One Admin. One moment that changed both their lives. A tragic event, leading to a head on collision...Mayhem, Murder, Sex, Violence! Tom Cruise, Chuck Norris, in a summer action flick that blows all others away..."MULTIPLE ACCOUNTS: A Newbie's Letter to His Friend!"

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In the movie trailer voice, "One Man. One Admin. One moment that changed both their lives. A tragic event, leading to a head on collision...Mayhem, Murder, Sex, Violence! Tom Cruise, Chuck Norris, in a summer action flick that blows all others away..."MULTIPLE ACCOUNTS: A Newbie's Letter to His Friend!"

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hehe, funny stuff. But keep in mind that many people on these forum can be children. I mean like 7-10 year olds.

I have often thought that we automatically consider everyone as adults but there are lots of kids playing these games. I'm 36 years old and I still play video games... 10 years ago I would have thought everyone over 30 playing video games definitely belongs to the minority but I'm not so sure anymore... :D

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